Hilton Hotel - 3050 Bristol Street, Costa Mesa CA - Saturday, September 21, 2024.
8:30- 10:00am Morning Keynote - 1.5 hour (Ethics MCLE) Panel of Attorney's Discussing "AI" in the legal profession.
11:45-1:15pm Lunchtime Keynote - 1.5 hours (Ethics MCLE) Panel of mentor and mentee relationships discussing the importance or mentorship and OCPA's mentorship program.
10:15-11:30 AM- Morning MCLE Breakout Sessions
Session 1: Civil Litigation with Helen Luetto, Esq.
Session 2: Labor & Employment with Samuel Nielson, Esq.
Session 3: Corporate Law with Lydia Duynstee, Esq.
Session 4: Contracts Law with Virginia Suveiu, Esq.
11:45-1:15 PM- Lunch
Lunchtime Keynote Address (Ethics MCLE)
1:45-3:00PM- Afternoon MCLE Breakout Sessions
Session 1: eDiscovery with Christi McGowan
Session 2: Criminal Law with Tamara McCormic, JD
Session 3: Estate Planning with Joshua Ramirez, Esq.
Session 4: Intellectual Property with Gregory B. Phillips, Esq.
eDiscovery-AI-Benefits and Pitfalls in eDiscovery-AI - Benefits and Pitfalls in eDiscovery.pptx
Civil Litigation- A Few of My Favorite Things- Civil Litigation Presentation-A Few of My Favorite Things.pptx